Presentation Information

[1A03]The effect of momentum fluctuations in nucleon wave packets on cross-sections in heavy-ion therapy

*Yuta Mukobara1, Akira Ono2, Satoshi Chiba3, Tatsuya Katabuchi1, Chikako Ishizuka1 (1. Science Tokyo, 2. Tohoku Univ., 3. NAT)


Antisymmetrized molecular dynamics,Particle production,Mean-field,Two-nucleon collisions,Nuclear data

This study evaluates the effect of momentum fluctuations on nuclear reaction cross-sections using the Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics (AMD) model. The findings suggest that momentum fluctuations contribute to improving the reproducibility of cross-sections. These results highlight the potential for model refinements to enhance nuclear data evaluation and the accuracy of heavy-ion therapy.