Presentation Information
[1A06]Developments of IAEA Nuclear Reaction Data Portal
*Shin Okumura1, Georg Schnabel1, Alejandra Martinez1, Arjan Koning1 (1. IAEA)
The traditional data formats used in the nuclear data community, namely EXFOR for experimental data and ENDF-6 for evaluated nuclear data, have long been established as standard formats. However, both formats retain limitations rooted in their legacy design for FORTRAN punch cards and require specialized expertise for understanding, interpreting, and pre-processing. These challenges make it difficult to accommodate a broader range of users effectively.
To address these issues and adhere to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), the development of the IAEA Nuclear Reaction Data Portal has been initiated. This portal is designed as a comprehensive data lake that seamlessly integrates experimental and evaluated data. By decoupling the presentation layer (UI) from the underlying data formats and access mechanisms, the portal aims to provide more intuitive access to the data.
This presentation will outline the architecture of the portal, the process of integrating EXFOR and ENDF-6 datasets, and the features that will benefit the nuclear data community. Additionally, feedback will be gathered to further refine the system.
To address these issues and adhere to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), the development of the IAEA Nuclear Reaction Data Portal has been initiated. This portal is designed as a comprehensive data lake that seamlessly integrates experimental and evaluated data. By decoupling the presentation layer (UI) from the underlying data formats and access mechanisms, the portal aims to provide more intuitive access to the data.
This presentation will outline the architecture of the portal, the process of integrating EXFOR and ENDF-6 datasets, and the features that will benefit the nuclear data community. Additionally, feedback will be gathered to further refine the system.
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