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[1C11]Rossi-α Type-I and Type-Ⅱ analyses for a highly-enriched subcritical core of KUCA

*Kenichiro Suga1, Kunihiro Nakajima1, Atsushi Sakon1, Tadafumi Sano1, Sin-ya Hohara1, Cheol Ho Pyeon2, Kengo Hashimoto1 (1. Kindai Univ., 2. Kyoto Univ.)


KUCA,subcritical,Rossi-α,Type-I,Type-Ⅱ,prompt-neutron decay constant

For a subcritical KUCA core driven by a neutron source inherent in a highly-enriched uranium and aluminum alloy fuel, Rossi-α Type-I and Type-Ⅱ analyses are carried out to compare the performance of these analyses. Prompt-neutron decay constant obtained by Type-Ⅱ analysis is consistent with that done by Type-I analysis within a statistical error. At slightly subcritical state, the statistical error of Type-Ⅱ is much larger than the error of Type-I. A difference between the statistical errors of the two analyses decreases with an increase in subcriticality. At a most deeply subcritical state (13.6%Δk/k), the above difference has finally disappeared.


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