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[1C14]Subcriticality Estimation Using Autocovariance of Reactor Noise(1) Least Squares Fitting Using Delayed Neutron Components
*Tomohiro Endo1, Ryoga Hirota1, Akio Yamamoto1, Kenichi Watanabe2, Genichiro Wakabayashi3, Kengo Oda4, Junichi H. Kaneko4 (1. Nagoya Univ., 2. Kyushu Univ., 3. Kindai Univ., 4. Hokkaido Univ.)
subcriticality,reactor noise,autocovariance,delayed neutron,least squares fitting
A theoretical formula for the lag-1 autocovariance of zero-power reactor noise is derived by considering delayed neutron components. Using the least squares fitting to the measured variation of the lag-1 autocovariance with respect to the counting gate width, we investigate whether subcriticality in dollar units can be estimated without prior knowledge of point kinetics parameters.
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