Presentation Information

[1H04]Investigation on Fuel Cycle based on Actinide Management Towards Sustainable Use of Nuclear Energy(4) Basic Policies and KPI on Actinide Management in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

*Takashi Shimada1,5, Tomoo Yamamura1, Miki Harigai1, Masahiko Nakase2, Kenji Takeuchi2, Tomohiro Okamura2, Yasutoshi Ban3, Hiroki Tsukamoto4, Keisuke Nishimura4, Hiromichi Gima5 (1. Kyoto Univ., 2. Tokyo Tech, 3. JAEA, 4. MHI, 5. MFBR)


Sustainable use,Actinide management,Pu-fissile ratio,MA Separation,MA temporary storage,Geological disposal,Degraded Pu,High-level radioactive waste,Environmental impact reduction,Effective use of resources

For the sustainable use of nuclear energy, it is essential to reduce the volume of high-level waste for the effective use of limited disposal sites and to use effectively degraded Pu of pul-thermal spent fuel. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine and operate appropriate management policies and KPI (Key Performance Indicators) for the recovery, storage, and utilization of actinides in the elements such as power reactors, reprocessing, and fuel production which constitute the fuel cycle.


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