Presentation Information
[1H07]Investigation on Fuel Cycle based on Actinide Management Towards Sustainable Use of Nuclear Energy(7) Development of MA Separation-Direct Denitration Process Using Diluent with Low Heat of Vaporization
*Taisuke Tsukamoto1, Yuki Konishi1, Keisuke Nishimura1, Takashi Shimada2,5, Yasutoshi Ban3, Yasuhiro Tsubata3, Masahiko Nakase4, Tomoo Yamamura5 (1. MHI, 2. MFBR, 3. JAEA, 4. Science Tokyo, 5. Kyoto Univ.)
Actinide management,Solvent extraction,Minor actinide,MA separation,MA temporary storage,High-level radioactive waste,Environmental impact reduction,Low-temperature vaporization diluent,Direct conversion
To realize a fuel cycle equipped with actinide management, it is necessary to develop a MA separation process considering temporary storage. Therefore, with the aim of reducing secondary waste and converting recovered MAs into temporary storage forms, we replaced the diluent in the conventional MA separation process with a low-temperature vaporization diluent. And we established a preliminary concept for MA Separation-Direct Denitration Process that includes a direct conversion step to oxidize the recovered MAs without reverse extraction. This presentation will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this process based on existing technologies, as well as future prospects for process development.
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