Presentation Information
[1H12]Precision X-ray Spectroscopy of Antiprotonic Calcium Atoms for Investigation of Antinucleon-nucleus Interactions
*Takashi Higuchi1, Hiroyuki Fujioka2, Masahiro Hino1 (1. Kyoto Univeristy, 2. Institute of Science Tokyo)
Isotope Enrichment,Particle Physics,Nuclear Physics,Atomic Physics,Antimatter
A system in which an antiproton is bound to a nucleus via the Coulomb interaction is known as an antiprotonic atom. Its energy levels reflect the antiproton-nucleus potential due to the strong interaction. By determining these levels by precision x-ray spectroscopy, one can learn about the antiproton-nucleus interactions and nucleon distributions in the nucleus. In the context of next-generation experiments aimed at searching for neutron-antineutron oscillations, we plan to evaluate the antineutron-nucleus scattering length by precision spectroscopy of antiprotonic atoms. We will use calcium isotopes whose nucleon density distributions have small uncertainties, and investigate the contributions of the neutron/proton density distributions to the antiproton-nucleus potential. In the presentation, the overview of the research plan, the development status up to this point, and the future plans will be discussed.