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[1I01]Tritium permeation from high-temperature and high-pressure water through Inconel600
*Kenta Akashi1, Shogo Iwata1, Fumiya Nakamura1, Kazunari Katayama1 (1. Kyushu Univ.)
Tritium,High-temperature and high-pressure water,Inconel
In DT fusion reactors, high-temperature and high-pressure water expected to be used as a coolant. Evaluation of the permeation rate and amount of tritium between the water is important for safety. In this study, the tritium permeation rate from high-temperature and high-pressure water through Inconel600, which is used in heat exchanger, was investigated. We used an experimental device with a double-tube structure, with an inner tube made of Inconel600 and an outer tube made of SUS316. The inner tube was filled with 33 kBq/cc tritium water and the outer tube was filled with pure water, then pressurized with helium gas and the outer tube was heated. As a result, the tritium permeation started about 5 days after heating started, and the tritium permeation rate was almost the same as in the past experiments.
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