Presentation Information

[2C08]Evaluation of impact of O-in-UO2 Thermal Scattering Law (TSL) on BWR depletion calculations with MCNP6.3

*Shinichi Namizono1, Michitaka Ono1, Masayuki Tojo1 (1. GNF-J)


Boiling Water Reactor,Depletion analysis,O-in-UO2 Thermal Scattering Law,MCNP

We prepared scattering cross sections using the O-in-UO2 Thermal Scatter Law (TSL) data in JENDL-5 with the nuclear data processing code FRENDY. We used MCNP6.3 to analyze the NEA/NSC "Burn-up Credit Criticality Safety Benchmark Phase III-C". Compared to the case where O-in-UO2 TSL cross sections are not used, we found a maximum difference of the multiplication factor of 0.25% and for the Gd-isotopes a difference in number density of 8%.


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