Presentation Information
[2C10]Modification of STACY for the study of criticality characteristics of fuel debris(21) Experimental validation for non-uniformity core configuration effects
*Satoshi GUNJI1, Shouhei ARAKI1, Benjamin DECHENAUX2, Mariya BROVCHENKO2, Eijyu AIZAWA1, Masakazu SEKI1, Yu ARAKAKI1, Tomoki YOSHIKAWA1, Kazuhiko IZAWA1 (1. JAEA, 2. ASNR)
Modified STACY,Critical Experiment,Fuel Debris,Non-uniformity
Non-uniformity of the composition is an issue when evaluating fuel debris' criticality characteristics. Critical experiments using the modified STACY are planned to validate the criticality effects of the non-uniformity. In this presentation, the results of the critical experiment their experimental core arrangements have large non-uniformity effects, and their experimental analyses are shown.
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