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[2C11]Modification of STACY for the study of criticality characteristics of fuel debris(22) Experimental analysis of basic performance test core by three calculation codes
*Kazuya Shimada1, Shouhei Araki1, Kenya Suyama1, Kazuhiko Izawa1, Satoshi Gunji1 (1. JAEA)
Modified STACY,Critical experiment,MVP,MCNP,SCALE
In the basic experiments at the modified STACY, critical water levels were systematically measured with varying numbers of fuel rods (approximately 5 wt% 235U). Previous analyses using MVP3 and MCNP6.2 indicated the potential overestimation of critical eigenvalues with JENDL-5. Therefore, we conducted an analysis using the widely used SCALE6.3.1 code and compared the results based on differences in code and nuclear data. The calculation models, common across all three codes, considered grid plates, fuel rods, and lower structures in detail. Critical eigenvalues using ENDF/B-VII.I were consistent with experimental values, with a maximum difference of 0.00060 between MCNP6.3 and SCALE6.3.1. For JENDL-5, discrepancies were larger, with a maximum difference of 0.00296 in MVP3 and 0.00202 in MCNP6.3.
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