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[2D12]A core hot spot evaluation by statistical method for pool-type sodium-cooled fast reactors(1) Preliminary applicability assessment of statistical evaluation procedure

*Shota Mochinaga1, Norihiro Doda1, Takashi Iwasaki2, Kenichi Igawa3, Masaaki Tanaka1 (1. JAEA, 2. ENO, 3. NESI)


Pool-type sodium-cooled fast reactor,Core hot spot,Statistical evaluation method,Sensitivity analysis,Uncertainty evaluation

The conceptual design of a pool-type demonstration sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) has been carried out. The core hot spot (CHS) evaluation (e.g., maximum cladding temperature in a fuel pin) considering various uncertainties related to the temperature rise in the core and abnormal transients is required in the safety design. Since changing analysis conditions due to uncertainty parameters affects the generation of buoyancy, the CHS evaluation based on the statistical method is effective. In this study, CHS evaluation procedure was organized for a pool-type SFR and its applicability was investigated. First trial results of applying the statistical CHS evaluation procedure to the SFR demonstration reactor (tentative specification) during rated operation are reported.


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