Presentation Information

[2D14]Investigation on Fuel Cycle based on Actinide Management Towards Sustainable Use of Nuclear Energy(9) Improvement of MA transmutation capability in Fast Reactor

*Hiromichi Gima1, Koki Hibi1, Takashi Shimada1,3, Yuki Konishi2, Keisuke Nishimura2, Hiroki Tsukamoto2, Tomoo Yamamura3 (1. MFBR, 2. MHI, 3. Kyoto Univ.)


Actinide management,Minor actinide,Fast reactor,Mixed oxide core,MA transmutation,Homogeneous core,Heterogeneous core

A fast reactor with high MA transmutation capability is indispensable to reduce high-level waste in nuclear power generation including the current LWR. In this presentation, we report a core concept in which Cm is attenuated by temporary storage of MA and MA with Am as the main nuclide is loaded in the blanket at high concentration. In this core concept, it is possible to improve the MA transmutation capability within the aggregate heat generation limit and within the range of less influence on the void reactivity.


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