Presentation Information
[2G05]Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris(3) Analytical Absorbed Dose Evaluation of Water Adsorbed on Oxide Powders
*Thwe Thwe Aung1, Ryuji Nagaishi1, Tatsuya Ito1, Atsuhiko Terada1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Oxide Powder,Adsorbed Water,Radiation Transport Analysis,Radiation Energy Dissipation,Adsorbed Dose
In the “Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris”, efforts have been made to develop methods for evaluating the amount of hydrogen (H2) generated from lump-shaped debris, and we are now developing methods for powdered debris.Research on oxide powders such as uranium dioxide has suggested that if water is adsorbed onto powdered debris and this is irradiated with low-LET gamma-rays, the water on the debris will not only be directly given with the energy of the gamma rays, but will also be indirectly transferred with the energy given to the debris.Therefore, in this case, there is a concern that the amount of H2 generated by water radiolysis would increase significantly.However, the total energy given to the water in this case has not been evaluated, and no clear evaluation or prediction of the increase in H2 generation has been made.In this study, we attempted to evaluate the absorbed dose of water adsorbed on oxide powders, as reported, by using a radiation transport analysis (PHITS) developed by JAEA and other organizations.
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