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[2I07]Tritium breeding scenario of laser inertial fusion reactor with reduced-tritium fuel
*Kaoru Omiya1, Tomoyuki Johzaki2, Kanta Utsumi1, Kazuki Matsuo3, Masatoshi Kondo1 (1. Science Tokyo, 2. Hiroshima Univ., 3. EX-Fusion)
Laser fusion reactor,Liquid blanket,Tritium breeding,System dynamics,LiPb
The purpose of this study is to clarify the operation scenarios of laser fusion reactors with reduced-tritium fuel by using system dynamics (SD) simulation. Using a lithium-lead alloy with 25 mol% natural lithium (Lithium Enhanced Lithium Lead Alloy: LELLA), the blanket full coverage TBR can be 1.47 with a 7 m chamber diameter and 1.5 m blanket thickness. Fuel burn calculations showed fusion reaction improved when the reduced-tritium fuel has a deuterium to tritium ratio of 1:1. Through SD simulation, we evaluated the days needed to reach steady-state operation using reduced-tritium fuel. We also examined the amount of T accumulation in the LELLA blanket and the time required for continuous extraction.
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