Presentation Information

[2I08]Evaluation of hydrogen retention behavior for tungsten-rhenium alloys at the initial process of neutron irradiation

*Yuzuka Hoshino Hoshino1, Ayumu Hayakawa1, Robert Kolasinski2, Chase N Talor3, Masashi Shimada3, Suguru Masuzaki4, Yuji Hatano5, Yasuhisa Oya1 (1. Shizuoka Univ., 2. SNL, 3. INL, 4. NIFS, 5. Tohoku Univ.)


Tungsten,Rhenium,Plasma irradiation

Tungsten (W) is one of the candidate materials for plasma facing components in the fusion reactors. W will be exposed to high flux D and T including helium (He) ash during the operation. In addition, 14MeV neutron by DT reaction, will be irradiated into W, leading to the transmutation of Re in W. Therefore, the evaluation of hydrogen isotope retention behavior for W-Re alloy are important. The effects of neutron irradiation with a low damage were evaluated by using neutron irradiation samples from KUR. The sample was irradiated with plasma, and the hydrogen isotope retention behavior was evaluated using Thermal Desorption Spectrometry. The amount of hydrogen isotope retention in low-damage (3.0×10-6 dpa) samples irradiated with HD plasma increased.


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