Presentation Information

[2I10]Evaluation of irradiation defect and deuterium retention behavior for K-doped W under high temperature conditions

*kenshiro miura1, Yuzuka Hoshino1, Asahi Sanfukuji1, Naoaki Yoshida2, Yasuhisa Oya1 (1. Shizuoka Univ., 2. Kyusyu Univ.)


Potassium doped tungsten,Hydrogen isotope retention behavior,Irradiation defects

Tungsten (W) is one of candidate materials for PFMs in the D-T fusion reactors, where W will be exposed to energetic fuel particles and neutrons, leading to the enhancement of hydrogen isotope retention. Previous reports showed K-doped W was suppressed the embrittlement of W. In this study, for W and K-doped W with irradiation defects introduced by Fe2+ irradiation at room and high temperature. Thereafter, the D2+ ion implantation was performed, and D retention was evaluated by TDS. The size and density of defects was observed by PAS. The D desorption for W-K at the lower temperature stage was lower than that for W, indicating many small defects were introduced in W-K and the number of large defects was reduced.


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