Presentation Information

[2I16]Impact estimation of gamma-ray induced luminescence noises on environmental motoring in a fusion reactor utilizing luminescence properties of Er2O3

*Yuiki Ogura1, Teruya Tanaka2,1, Sadatsugu Takayama2 (1. Nagoya Univ., 2. NIFS)


Er2O3,Luminescence measurement,Silica optical fiber,Gamma-ray induced noise,Cherenkov light

Since Er2O3 emits red and green photoluminescence lights under a UV light and their intensity ratio changes depending on the crystallinity and temperature, it could be possible to apply those optical properties to environmental monitoring in fusion reactors. However, considering transmission of UV excitation lights and Er2O3 luminescence lights through optical fibers during maintenance of a fusion reactor, luminescence noises in the fibers due to gamma-ray irradiation would disturb the optical measurements. Intensities of the luminescence noises assuming the measurements in the DEMO reactor are being evaluated by using the PHITS radiation transport code. Fabrication of Y2O3 discs with Er2O3 doping are also being tested to improve the photoluminescence intensities by eliminating the concentration quenching of Er2O3.


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