Presentation Information
[3A04]Device for tritium detection with layered plastic scintillator thin film
*Tatsuhiko Ihara1, Ryouji Kamishima1, Hiroshi Noma1, Yasuo Watanabe2 (1. PLAKEN, 2. UEC)
Plastic scintillator thin film,Plasma treatment,Capillary power,LSC
A plastic scintillator thin film layered device (LPS) was fabricated for cocktail-free continuous detection of tritiated water. 30±8 μm thick PS thin film was made in-house. The thin film surface is hydrophobic, so it was treated with TEOS plasma polymerization to make it hydrophilic. The film was cut to fit into a 20 mL vial with a diameter of Φ = 15 mm, and a hole of Φ = 3 mm was made in the center of the disk. The LPS was made by stacking 1015 discs through a folder consisting of a 55 mm long, Φ=2.9 mm stainless steel tube matching the height of the vial and a stainless steel base. In this study, the performance of the LPS alone was evaluated using an existing LSC measuring device (LSC 7200) manufactured by ALOCA. 0.911 g (1.367 Bq) of tritiated water at a concentration of 1.5 Bq/g was absorbed by the LPS, loaded into a vial, and measured with the LSC measuring device. The results showed a NET CPM of 7.50 and a counting efficiency of 9.15%. The results suggest the possibility of practical use.
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