Presentation Information

[3B06]Organotin based polarity change resist used for EUV lithography; Radiation chamistry and the Effect of counter anions

*Kohei Hashimoto1, Yusa Muroya1, Takahiro Kozawa1, Kohei Machida2, Satoshi Enomoto2, Bilal Naqvi3, Danilo De Simone3 (1. SANKEN, 2. Toyo Gosei Co., 3. imec)


Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography,Radiation chemistry,Micro processing,Organotin,Counter anion

Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) has been utilized as a radiation source in the semiconductor industry. Then the pitch size is about to reach single-nano order. In this energy region, the effects of photon fluctuations can't be ignored and the resists based on new design guidelines will be requred. We are developing the organotin resists with high EUV absorption coefficiency. In this study, We peformed pulseradiolysis and γ-radiolysis to clarify the radiation chemisty of these reists. Additionaly, the effect of counter anion is also discussed here.


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