Presentation Information
[3B08]Study on Natural Abundance Measurement Using Flat-Laser Compton Scattering Gamma-ray Beam in UVSOR
*Kai Nishimoto1, Heishun Zen1, Hideaki Ohgaki2, Toshiyuki Shizuma2, Omer Mohamed3, Takehito Hayakawa2 (1. Kyoto Univ., 2. QST, 3. JAEA)
Flat-Laser Compton Scattering Gamma-ray Beam,Natural Abundance Measurement,Isotope CT Imaging
Our research group has been studying isotope CT imaging, and is currently working on simultaneous imaging of multiple isotopes. For this purpose, we have devised a method (Flat-LCS) that uses the helical undulator of the storage ring to broaden the energy distribution and reduce the spatial dependence of gamma-ray energy while keeping the beam diameter of a normal laser Compton gamma ray small, and have been conducting experiments at UVSOR. In this study, we measured the isotope abundance ratio of natural lead using the F-LCS beam and the normal LCS, and we report the results.
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