Presentation Information
[3B09]Study on Scattering Removal Methods for Nondestructive Testing Using High-Energy X-rays
*Yuhei Kamichika1, Shuichi Hasegawa1, Zhenjun Li1, Akio Sugita1 (1. UTokyo)
X-ray,non-destructive test,scattering correction,image processing
In nondestructive testing of infrastructure such as bridges using high-energy X-rays, it is essential to remove scattering from the images to ensure accurate diagnostics. X-ray imaging technology has already been widely applied in the medical field, and numerous scattering removal techniques have been developed for such applications. However, the amount of scattering in medical applications is significantly smaller compared to the scattering caused by thick concrete structures in bridge inspections. This study aims to establish image processing methods tailored for infrastructure inspections, specifically focusing on bridge examinations. In this presentation, we will discuss the applicability of existing scattering removal techniques to thick concrete structures and report the results of our investigation.
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