Presentation Information
[3C04]Development of Advanced Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics Coupling Simulation System(12) BWR whole core coupling calculations using MVP/NASCA
*Kenichi TADA1, Ryoichi KONDO1, Tomohiro KAMIYA1, Takanari FUKUDA1, Ayako ONO1, Yasunobu NAGAYA1, Hiroyuki YOSHIDA1 (1. JAEA)
neutronics/thermal-hydraulics coupling simulation,JAMPAN,MVP,NASCA,BWR,whole core
JAEA has developed the multi-physics platform JAMPAN. In the previous presentation, we implemented the flow rate calibration function to JAMPAN for the MVP/NASCA coupling calculation of the BWR multi-fuel assembly geometry. Using this function, we performed the whole core coupling calculation using MVP/NASCA. For the whole BWR calculations, we prepared two types of input files. One is the hypothetical whole core geometry consisting of a 9×9 fuel assembly obtained from the OECD/NEA Phase-3C benchmark. The other is the initial loading core of Peach Bottom unit 2 obtained from the OECD/NEA Peach Bottom turbine trip benchmark. We will show the results of both whole-core BWR coupling calculations in the present presentation.
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