Presentation Information

[3F06]Shika Nuclear Power Plant's response to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake(1) Risk assessment of transformer failure at Shika Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2

*You Higashiyama1, Hideyuki Sakaguchi1, Shuji Kimoto1, Keisuke Takashima1, Daiki Harumoto1, Shohei Yamagishi2, Shohei Ikeno2, Yutaka Nakata2, Kouki Tsuchihara2, Shuuhei Takeda2 (1. Hokuriku Electric Power Company, 2. TEPCO SYSTEMS CORPORATION)


Probabilistic Risk Assessment

The Noto Peninsula earthquake of 2024 caused several transformers to fail at the Shika Nuclear Power Plant. The impact of this on nuclear safety risk was quantitatively evaluated using the PRA method. In addition, the importance of each transformer was evaluated using the seismic PRA method to contribute to RIDM for seismic reinforcement of transformers.


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