Presentation Information
[3H02]Research and development of TRU waste package(7) Drop analysis of Waste Package
*Noriyuki Maruyama1, Gen Yamada2, Toru Tsuda2 (1. Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center, 2. ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation)
TRU Waste,Waste Package,Drop Analysis,Strain Rate Dependence,Finite Element Method
In the disposal concept for TRU waste, waste packages are proposed to be stacked using cranes. Accidental drop scenarios are anticipated as potential abnormal events during operation, and maintaining containment integrity in such cases is a critical design requirement for repository safety. This study aimed to accurately simulate the impact of a drop by obtaining strain rate-dependent data from specimens taken from the lid welds of full-scale waste packages. Using a material model incorporating these data, we conducted analyses simulating an 8-meter drop. Results from various drop orientations identified lid-side-edge impacts as the most severe. Furthermore, the analysis clarified secondary impacts within the package during the drop, providing valuable insights for future safety enhancements.
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