Presentation Information

[3H09]A Study for the optimization of the decommissioning project of nuclear facilities(7) Cost impact analysis of dismantlement environment

*Yukihiro IGUCHI1, Daisuke KAWASAKI 1, Satoshi YANAGIHARA1, Yuya KOUDA 2, Koichi TOMODA 2 (1. Univ. of Fukui, 2. JAEA)


Nuclear facilities,Decommissioning,Optimization,Dismantling environment,Radiation levels

In order to develop the optimal decommissioning strategy, we have been conducting research and evaluation using total cost as an indicator. Among these, the impact of the dismantling environment on cost evaluation is one of the important factors in optimizing the dismantling period. The ATR Fugen has been dismantling various facilities with different radiation levels since 2008, and by analyzing this experience, we can contribute to more realistic prediction and evaluation.


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