Session Details

[2D05-08]Molten Chloride Salt Reactor

Thu. Mar 13, 2025 10:45 AM - 11:55 AM JST
Thu. Mar 13, 2025 1:45 AM - 2:55 AM UTC
Room D(Zoom room 4)
Chair:Takanori Yumura(MHI)

[2D05]Feasibility Study of Integral Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor (V)(1) Analysis of Load Following Operation Characteristics

*Hiroyasu MOCHIZUKI1 (1. Beyond Energy R&D Association (BERD))

[2D06]Feasibility Study of Integral Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor (V)(2) Applicability Evaluation of the Point Reactor Kinetics Equation to the Molten Salt Fast Reactor

*Yoshihisa Tahara1, Chikako Ishizuka2 (1. NAIS, 2. Science Tokyo)

[2D07]Feasibility Study of Integral Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor (V)(3) Burnup characteristics of a chloride molten salt fast reactor using fuel with Pu enrichment below the domestic upper limit

*Koshi Mitachi1, Yoichiro Shimazu1 (1. BERD)

[2D08]Feasibility Study of Integral Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor (V)(4) Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulation for Molten Salt Fast Reactor

*Masahiko Nakase1, Tomohiro Okamura1, Yohihisa Tahara2, Hiroyasu Motizuki3, Tsuyoshi Murakami4, Tadafumi Koyama4 (1. Science Tokyo, 2. NAIS, 3. BERD, 4. CRIEPI)

Time reserved for Chair