Presentation Information

[2D05]Feasibility Study of Integral Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor (V)(1) Analysis of Load Following Operation Characteristics

*Hiroyasu MOCHIZUKI1 (1. Beyond Energy R&D Association (BERD))


Molten Salt Fast Reactor,Daily Load Following Operation,Load Frequency Control Operation,Governor Free Operation,Neutronics-Thermalhydraulics Coupling Analysis

In order to implement various load-following operations using a molten chloride salt fast reactor (MCSFR), which does not have control rods under study, the method of controlling the fuel circulation system places a burden on many components and poses a challenge to its realization. However, due to the characteristic that all reactivity coefficients of MCSFR are negative, the reactor always has a resilience that tries to return to its original state when external disturbances are applied. Using RELAP5-3D, the author analyzed that this characteristic enables the reactor to automatically respond to downstream temperature changes and other factors as necessary without reactor control, and to perform load-following operation equivalent to that of a thermal power plant.


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