Session Details

[2oral312-19]T7 [Topic Session]Tectonics

Mon. Sep 9, 2024 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM JST
Mon. Sep 9, 2024 6:00 AM - 8:30 AM UTC
oral room 3(General Education_Section1-122)
Chiar:Hiroaki KOGE(GSJ, AIST), Satoshi TONAI(Kochi University)

[T7-O-1][Invited] Eocene to Miocene tectonics in northwestern Kyushu at the jucntion of the SW Japan and Ryukyu arcs

*Kentaro USHIMARU1,2 (1. Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, 2. Geological Survey of Japan, AIST)

[T7-O-2]The whole-rock chemical composition of Miocene dikes in the Koshikijima Islands, Kagoshima prefecture and its implication for the tectonic environments of magmatic activity

*Hironao SHINJOE1, Satoshi TONAI2, Yuji ORIHASHI3, Yui KANAZASHI3, Minoru SASAKI3, Yoshihiro ASAHARA4 (1. Tokyo Keizai University, 2. Kochi University, 3. Hirosaki University, 4. Nagoya University)

[T7-O-3]Revision of tectonics of the Murotohanto Group in the Shimanto Belt, Muroto Peninsula, Southwest Japan

*Hidetoshi HARA1, Hinako MATSUMOTO2, Satoshi TONAI3 (1. Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, GSJ, AIST, 2. Dia Nippon Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd., 3. Kochi Univ.)

[T7-O-4]Paleomagnetic direction of late Cretaceous basalts intruding into the Inuyama Section of the Mino Belt in central Japan

*Taizo UCHIDA1, Hiroyuki HOSHI2 (1. Kochi University, 2. Aichi University of Education)


[T7-O-5]Southern facies of the Upper Cretaceous Izumi Group distributed in proximity to the Median Tectonic Line, western Shikoku, southwest Japan: Tectonic implications

*Toru TAKESHITA1, Yasu'uchi KUBOTA2 (1. Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd., 2. OYO Corporation)

[T7-O-6]Strain distribution with depth along the MTL, northwestern Shikoku.

*Rio TAKASAKI1, Kanna YOSHIMATSU2, Arito SAKAGUCHI1 (1. Yamaguchi University, 2. NEC Aerospace Systems)

[T7-O-7]Kinematic and stress history of the Yunodake Fault, southeastern Fukushima Prefecture

*Toru SAKAI1,2, Hideo TAKAGI1 (1. Waseda University, 2. Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.)

[T7-O-8]2011March11 Off North East Arc Heisei MegaQuake M9.0 and Pacific Slab on upper surface of Lower Mantle, and SuperQuake along Chishima Trench.

*Nobuaki Niitsuma1 (1. Inst. GeoSci.Shizuoka Univ.,Sendai)