Session Details

[3oral110-17]T17 [Topic Session]Subduction zones and on-land accretionary complexes

Tue. Sep 10, 2024 3:00 PM - 5:15 PM JST
Tue. Sep 10, 2024 6:00 AM - 8:15 AM UTC
oral room 1(General Education_Section1-112)
Chiar:Takahiro HOSOKAWA(Kochi University), Nana Kamiya(Kyoto University)

[T17-O-1]Characteristics of physical property and structure and the formation process of the Upper Prism in the Japan Trench

*Nana Kamiya1, Yohei Hamada2, Hanaya Okuda2, Keisuke Nakamoto3, Taizo Uchida4, Hinako Hosono5, Yoshitaka Hashimoto4, Yusuke Kubo2 (1. Kyoto University, 2. JAMSTEC, 3. Hokkaido University, 4. Kochi University, 5. AIST)
【ハイライト講演】東日本大震災の巨大津波発生後,国際海洋掘削計画 J-FASTが実施され,津波断層帯を採取する大成功を納めた.本論では過去に採取された海洋掘削コアを用いるReCoRDにおいて同地震周辺の複数の海洋掘削コアを総合的に検討し,津波断層帯のテクトニックな形成プロセスを解明した.今年実施される国際海洋掘削計画J-TRACKとも強く関連した興味深い研究である.(ハイライト講演とは...)

[T17-O-2]Distribution and internal physical properties of mud volcanoes in Hyuga-nada inferred from active-source seismic data

*Ryuta Arai1, Kazuya Shiraishi1, Yasuyuki Nakamura1, Gou Fujie1, Arata Kioka2, Masataka Kinoshita3, Rina Fukuchi4 (1. JAMSTEC, 2. Faculity of Engineering Univ Tokyo, 3. ERI Univ Tokyo, 4. Naruto Univ of Educational)

[T17-O-3]Toward detection of slow slips in Hyuga-Nada: Challenge with seafloor optical-fiber strainmeter

*Masa KINOSHITA1, Eiichiro ARAKI2, Rie NAKATA1, Tomohiro TOKI4, Yusuke YOKOTA5, Yusuke YAMASHITA6, Yoshitaka HASHIMOTO3, Yohei HAMADA2, Michiyo SAWAI7 (1. Earthquake Research Institute, UTokyo, 2. JAMSTEC, 3. Kochi University, 4. University of Ryukyus, 5. Institute of Industrial Science, UTokyo, 6. Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Univ., 7. Chiba University)

[T17-O-4]Model of tectonic melange rheology and natural constraints

*Yoshitaka HASHIMOTO1 (1. Kochi University)


[T17-O-5]The heated temperature estimation along the fossil plate boundary fault using paleomagnetic method

*Taizo UCHIDA1, Yoshitaka Hashimoto1 (1. Kochi University)

[T17-O-6]Estimation of driving fluid pressure ratios based on quartz veins developed along subduction plate interfaces: Example from the Tamba Belt, Southwest Japan

*Kotaro ISHIDA1, Katsushi Sato1 (1. Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)

[T17-O-7]Geological constraints on change in fluid pressure and differential stress during seismic cycle

*Takahiro HOSOKAWA1, Yoshitaka HASHIMOTO1 (1. Kochi University)

[T17-O-8]Laboratory silica sealing, rock fracture, silica vein formation and permeability evolution driven by fluid pressure drop in the seismogenic depths

*Ryoto TODA1, Masaoki Uno1, Atsushi Okamoto1 (1. Graduate School of Environmental Studies, TOHOKU University)