The 26th JASID Spring Conference

Presentation Registration

Guidelines for Application and Submission:

This JASID 2025 spring conference calls for (1) oral presentations (free topic), (2) poster presentations and (3) special sessions/roundtables. 
・Presentation applications:
*Please select either an English or Japanese website based on the language you wish to deliver your presentation. 

Presenters must be members of the Japan Society for International Development (JASID). Application for JASID membership:
For JASID, membership fees may be paid online. For details, please visit the following website.

One presenter can apply for one presentation as first author of an oral or poster presentation, or as an organizer of special sessions or roundtables.
It is possible, however, for applicants to be accepted as co-authors on more than one paper. Co-researchers and co-authors are encouraged to be members of JASID.
The length of the abstract is 1 page of A4 size in 200 - 300 words.
Student members are required to submit a letter of recommendation (any style) from their supervisor at the time of application.
※ The presenter must be a member and not be in arrears with membership dues at the time of submission. It takes about 3 weeks for JASID to decide whether to accept or reject a new membership application, so please complete the membership application at least 3 weeks before the application deadline.
※ If you plan to present your paper and have not yet paid the membership fee, please complete payment as soon as possible.
Oral presentation 
Members of JASID can propose and deliver an oral presentation, either individually or as a group. Co-researchers, whether presenting or not, should preferably be members of JASID. Oral presentations with similar topics will be organized into a single session with a common theme (2 hours each) by the Conference Program Committee. Each oral presentation is tentatively scheduled for 30 minutes (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion). The format of the presentation may change depending on the number of appolications and the result of the screening process.
Poster presentation
Members of the JASID can apply for Poster presentations individually or in groups. Applicants can share research findings in a poster format, either individually or as a group. The presenter can interact with the audience in a freer style than a formal oral presentation. The poster will be displayed in a location and time allocated by the Conference Program Committee and be evaluated by "face-to-face presentation" at the venue. The best presentation award will be given.
Special Sessions
Members of the JASID can propose and organize a special session consisting of several papers on a specific theme. A chair and two commentators must be proposed. Non-members can present, provided they can make important contributions to the session. The session duration is 2 hours. When applying, the organizer is requested to submit an abstract of the session and of each paper.
Members of the JASID can propose and organize a roundtable characterized by active discussion among presenters and attendees on a specific topic. Non-members can present, provided they can make important contributions to the roundtable. The session duration is 2 hours. When applying, the organizer is requested to submit an abstract of the proposed roundtable. Submission of individual presentation abstracts is optional.

Application Requirements:
Before your application, please make sure to read through the guidelines below. (For those applying as a JASID member, please also refer to ‘Regulation on the Annual and Spring Conference’). Only applications conforming to the following guidelines and regulations will be considered for presentation, after being reviewed by the Conference Program Committee. Depending on the status of the applications and the results of the review, the form of the presentation is subject to change.
(1) Eligibility
All conference presenters must be a member of the JASID, aside from the aforementioned exceptions. If you are not currently a member, but would like to present at the conference, you are requested to finish your membership application at the website of JASID, no later than March 1, 2025.
If you plan to apply for membership in order to present at the conference, it is recommended to alert the JASID Head Office ( about it, before sending an original copy of application form to the office.
All new members must pay their annual membership fees no later than March 28 (Friday).
Existing members are requested to verify their membership status and confirm that they are current on their payment status. If any balance is remaining for FY2022 - FY2024 at the time of application, then the applicant for a presentation may be disqualified.
(2) Application Procedure
The application and abstract submission deadline will be on Friday, March 28. Application period: Sunday, February 9 - Friday, March 28.
Application Method: Conference website
Abstract Submission
Please submit the abstract of your presentation following the application form on the conference website. Please note that your abstract will be used to determine your candidacy for the conference and, for successful applicants, it will also be listed the conference proceedings. The length of the abstract is 200-300 words. Applicants should check the length of their abstract before filling in the form.
If you are interested in an oral presentation or a poster presentation, please submit the outline of your session in 1 page. (Format-A)
If you are interested in organizing a special session, please submit the outline of your session in 1 page. Combine this summary with the paper presentation abstracts into a single file. (Format-A+B)
If you are interested in organizing a roundtable, please submit the outline of your session in 1 page.(Format-C)
Your applications will be carefully considered and the results will be announced by the Conference Program Committee at the end of April.
Click here to reach the documents related to the Conference.

Full Paper Submission
If your abstract is accepted for presentation, you will need to submit your full paper online no later than May 20 (Tuesday). Remember to follow the formatting guidelines. Your full paper, like your abstract, should be in your presentation language. The length of the full paper is 4-16 pages, size A4. Please note that your paper will be the official record of your presentation at the conference. If the paper is not submitted well past the deadline, it may not be published in the proceedings.
The 26th Spring Conference of Japan Society for International Development
Conference Committee