Session Details

Social / Culture

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:40 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[1A-015-PC]Taiwan i-Generation Panel Study (1)The Structure and Characteristics of Taiwan i-Generation Adolescent’s Friendship Network

*Chyi-in Wu1 (1. Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

[1A-016-PC]Taiwan i-Generation Panel Study (2)A moderated mediation model of problematic social-media usage, different attachment tendencies, depression, and internet addiction among Taiwanese adolescents

*Chih-Wen Wu1 (1. Department of Child and Family Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)

[1A-017-PC]Taiwan i-Generation Panel Study (3)The Preventive Effects of Personal and School Resources on Adolescent Internet Addiction

*Yuh-Huey Jou1 (1. Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

[1A-018-PC]Taiwan i-Generation Panel Study (4)The Impact of Digital Parental Restrictions and Concerns about Internet Use on Adolescent’s Psychological Well-Being

*Tzu-Shen Lin1 (1. National Academy for Educational Research, Taiwan)

[1A-019-PC]Soft-colored harmony: Interdependent self-construal enhances preference for low-saturation colors

*Yoko Sugitani1, Taku Togawa1 (1. Sophia University)

[1A-020-PC]Culture and Rumination in Daily LifeImplications for Psychological Health

*Yuri Miyamoto1, Danfei Hu2, Tomotaka Okuyama1, Lisya Kaspi2, Yulia Chentsova-Dutton3, Maya Tamir2 (1. Hitotsubashi University, 2. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 3. Georgetown University)

[1A-021-PC]Cultural Differences in Empathic ConcernThe Role of Construal of Suffering

*SHAOFENG ZHENG1 (1. Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Hitotsubashi University)

[1A-022-PC]Help-Seeking Behaviors in Positively or Negatively Isolated Older Adults

*Tomoko Ikeuchi1, Cullen T Hayashida2 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 2. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)

[1A-023-PC]Expatriate Life in China: An In-depth Exploration of Self-Initiated Expatriates' Stressors and Adaptations

*Yazhuo DENG1 (1. International Christian University)

[1A-024-PC]Understanding Intergenerational Immigrant Family Belonging and Mental Health in Ethnolinguistically Diverse Québec, Canada

*Momoka Sunohara1, Antoine Bilodeau1 (1. Concordia University)

[1A-025-PC]The preference reversal by adding common attribute in trade-off between green and performance

*Danbi Cho1, Jiwon SO1, JaeHwi Kim1 (1. Department of Psychology, Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea)

[1A-026-PC]Exploring Anxiety for Social RobotsDevelopment of Anxiety Toward Social Robot Scale

*Te-Chi Huang1,2, Ritsuko Iwai2, Takatsune Kumada1,2 (1. Kyoto University, 2. R-IH, RIKEN)

[1A-027-PC]Foundational Research on the MetaverseAssociation Between Perceptions of the Metaverse and Personality Trait

*Sho Kataoka1, Toru Ishida2, Hajime Takaki2 (1. Shizuokafukushi University, 2. PENCIL Co., Ltd)

[1A-028-PC]Foundational Research on the Metaverse(2)About the Differences Between the Personality Impressions of SNS Icons and the Personalities of Their Users

*Hajime Takaki1, Toru Ishida1, Sho Kataoka2 (1. PENCIL.Co., Ltd., 2. Shizuokafukushi Univ.)

[1A-029-PC]The development and practice of internet systems for the elderly and support program(1)The effect of mutual help on the internet on net literacy

*Rui Katsura1, Kazuyuki Hashimoto2, Hideyuki Unuma1 (1. Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University, 2. Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences)

[1A-030-PC]The development and practice of internet systems for the elderly and support program (2)The relationship between participating in a web system and evaluating that system

*Kazuyuki Hashimoto1, Rui Katsura2, Tatsuma Tanabe3, Naoyo Kamioka3 (1. Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences, 2. Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University, 3. SBC Tokyo Medical University)

[1A-031-PC]Effects of emergency messages on psychological state (Ⅰ)Evidence from autonomic nervous system activity

*Kimiko Kato1, Kazumi Ogawa1, Tadahiro Motoyoshi2 (1. Aichi Shukutoku University, 2. Kansai University)

[1A-032-PC]Effects of emergency messages on psychological state (II)The effectiveness of evacuation instructions delivered by announcers during the Major Tsunami Warning triggered by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

*Kazumi Ogawa1, Kimiko Kato1, Tadahiro Motoyoshi2 (1. Aichi Shukutoku University, 2. Kansai University)

[1A-033-PC]Effects of emergency messages on psychological state (III)Evaluation of NHK evacuation announcements during the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake

*Tadahiro Motoyoshi1, Kimiko Kato2, Kazumi Ogawa2 (1. Kansai University, 2. Aichi Shukutoku University)

[1A-034-PC]Japanese Attitudes toward the Bones of the Deceased (1)An Attempt to Develop the Inventory of Attitudes toward the Bones of the Deceased

*chizuru Akata1, Yukihiro Sakaguchi1 (1. KWANSEI GAKUIN University)

[1A-035-PC]Japanese Attitudes toward the Bones of the Deceased (2)The Role of “Syuukotsu” in the Grieving Process of Bereaved Families

*Yukihiro Sakaguchi1, Chizuru Akata1 (1. Kwansei Gakuin University)

[1A-036-PC]Development of the Cognitive Bias Assessment Scale (3)Re-examining the Experience of 80 Cognitive Biases

*Tsutako Mori1, Mieko Takahira2, Masami Ikeda3, Koji Miyamoto4 (1. The Open University of Japan, 2. Rissho University, 3. Jumonji University, 4. Tokyo Kasei University)

[1A-037-PC]Development of the Cognitive Bias Assessment Scale(4)Re-examining the Correlations of Well-being with Experience of 80 Cognitive Biases

*Masami Ikeda1, Tsutako Mori2, Mieko Takahira3, Koji Miyamoto4 (1. Jumonji university, 2. The Open University of Japan, 3. Rissho University, 4. Tokyo Kasei University)

[1A-038-PC]Willingness to marry based on life-history theory (1)

*Osamu Higuchi1, Emi NIIDA2, Yoshika Tado'oka3 (1. Meiji University, 2. Toyo University, 3. Takasaki City University of Economics)

[1A-039-PC]Willingness to marry based on life-history theory (2)

*Emi Niida1, Yoshika Tado'oka2, Osamu Higuchi3 (1. Toyo University, 2. Takasaki City University of Economics, 3. Meiji University)

[1A-040-PC]An exploratory study on psychological structure of “favorites”

*Tomoko sugano1, *Yutaka Yamamura2 (1. Rissho University, 2. J.F.Oberlin University)

[1A-042-PC]The process by which The Dark Triad increases future psychological IPV perpetration through ostracism.

*Yuji Kanemasa1, Kentaro Komura2, Yuki Miyagawa1 (1. Otemon Gakuin University, 2. Hirosaki University)