Session Details

Social / Culture

Sat. Sep 7, 2024 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Sat. Sep 7, 2024 4:20 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[2C-008-PC]The Social Capital Building Function of Festival ManagementLongitudinal Effects of Continuous Engagement and Commitment

*Toshihiko Souma1 (1. Hiroshima univ.)

[2C-010-PC]The Influence of Parenting Attitudes Recognized by Children and Financial Comfort on Attitudes towards the "Parent Gacha"

*YURI TADAKUMA1, KOHEI ADACHI2, KAYOKO MIURA2 (1. Nagasaki Junshin University Graduate School, 2. Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University)

[2C-011-PC]The Relationship between Social Capital and Children's Well-being

*Chihiro Hosoda1, Takuto Matsuhashi1, Kenchi Hosokawa1 (1. Tohoku University)

[2C-012-PC]Association of pet ownership and Well-being in adolescents

*Hinako Goto1, Hiroki Tanaka2, Tetsuya Matsuda2, Haruto Takagishi2 (1. Graduate School, Tamagawa University, 2. Tamagawa University)

[2C-013-PC]Association between prosocial behavior and parental ratings in adolescents


[2C-015-PC]Cross-cultural understanding and story visualization process for elementary school childrenFocusing on cultural awareness in the process of sharing narrative images

*Sakae Nakata1 (1. Teikyo University)

[2C-016-PC]An assessment and support system for antisocial tendencies and interpersonal environment of childrenComparison with and without consultation

*Hiroyuki Yoshizawa1, Kojiro Matsushita1, Takuya Yoshida2, Ryosuke Asano3 (1. Gifu University, 2. Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University, 3. Kurume University)

[2C-017-PC]Can we ignore the earworms?Investigation of interference with working memory by earworms

*Kentaro Komura1, Kotono Nakayama2 (1. Hirosaki University, 2. Sekisui Famis Tohoku)

[2C-018-PC]The effects of threats to self-worth on hostile bias against AI

*Rinka Fukushima1, Masataka Higuchi1 (1. Sophia graduate school)

[2C-019-PC]Examining the effect of self-choice effects on advertising

*Temujin Matsushita1, Juri Kato1 (1. Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

[2C-020-PC]Examining the influence of watching nature clips on spirituality

*Takechika Hayashi1, Michio Nomura1 (1. Kyoto University)

[2C-021-PC]Do we find the patterns of cultural textiles attractive when they belong to our own country?Examination of the ingroup bias for the ikat patterns in India

*Ryunosuke Sudo1, Yuki Kubo2, Kengo Fuse3, Kumi Eguchi3 (1. Ube Frontier University, 2. Kansei AI Co.,Ltd, 3. Kyushu Open University)

[2C-022-PC]Higher socioeconomic status decreases help to whom?Lower secondary school student in Japan

*Takuma Yamamoto1, Hisashi Uebuchi2 (1. Bunkyo University, 2. Waseda University)

[2C-023-PC]Correlations between social appearance anxiety and SNS useExploratory study

*Ken Masame1 (1. Sendai Seiyo Gakuin University)

[2C-024-PC]A Study on the Process of Attitude Change Toward Social NormsFocusing on Attitudes Toward Mask Wearing and Vaccination

*Takashi Ideno1, Mikiya Hayashi2, Yuki Tamari3, Keita Kawasugi4, Kazuhisa Takemura4 (1. Tokyo University of Science, School of business, 2. Meisei University, 3. University of Shizuoka, 4. Waseda University)

[2C-025-PC]Exploring the association between implicit stigma and helping behavior toward socially isolated people

*Yuki Kaneko1, Takashi Arai1 (1. Graduate School of Arts and Letters Tohoku University)

[2C-026-PC]Influences of social status and inclusion on the self-evaluation processInternational comparative analysis of hierometer theory

*Koji Hasegawa1, Yukari Furusato2, Kaichiro Furutani3 (1. Komazawa University, 2. Ochanomizu University, 3. Kansai University)

[2C-027-PC]The Effects of Experiencing Social Exclusion on Later Hostile Cognitions and Emotions in Japanese Adults and Preschool Children日本の成人および幼児を対象とした検討

*Nozomi Yamamoto1, Ryuta Kuwamizu1,2, Yusuke Moriguchi1 (1. Kyoto University, 2. University of Tsukuba)