Presentation Information

[OP05-2-03]Dynamic polarization of heparan sulfate proteoglycans is involved in regulation of planar cell polarity by interacting with Wnt11 and core PCP componentsヘパラン硫酸プロテオグリカンはWnt11とコアPCP因子との相互作用を介し平面内細胞極性の制御に関与する

*Minako Suzuki1,2, Shinji Takada1,2, Ritsuko Takada1,2, Yusuke Mii1,2,3 (1. NIBB, 2. ExCELLS, 3. Kyoto Univ.)


Planar cell polarity,Heparan sulfate proteoglycans,Wnt11,Xenopus

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