Presentation Information

[OP06-2-01]Concomitant changes in structures, components, and gene expressions of the extraembryonic membranes and extraembryonic fluids during embryonic development in chickens

*PIN YUN TSENG1, Thien Luan Phan3, Tak Shing Ching3, Yen Hsien Li4, I Chung Lu2, Pin Chi Tang1,5 (1. Dept. Anim Sci., Univ. of National Chung Hsing, 2. Dept. Chemistry., Univ. of National Chung Hsing , 3. Dept. Biomedical Engineering., Univ. of National Chung Hsing , 4. The Office of Research and Development., Univ. of National Chung Hsing , 5. The iEGG and Animal Biotechnology Center, Univ. of National Chung Hsing)


allantoic fluid,bioelectrical impedance,body weight,crude protein,embryonic development,extraembryonic tissues,sex differences

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