Presentation Information

[OP07-1-02]Challenge from the iGEM: Revolutionizing with a unique gRNA, the technology of gene knockout.生物学ロボコンiGEMからの挑戦一本のgRNAで変革する遺伝子ノックアウトの技術

*Yoshihito Imagawa1, Miyu Makimura1, Hibiki Fuzisawa1, Tatsuhi Hiramatsu1, Ayane Tsuchida1, Fuki Noda1, Daiki Iwajima1, Karen Kawaguchi1, Keisuke Joichi1, Natumi Miyagawa1, Miri Saito1, Yasutoshi Matsumoto1, Yuichiro Ikagawa1, Kyoka Sato1, Hitoshi Iwahashi1, Tomio Yabe1 (1. Gifu university)


iGEM,Gene knockout,Drug-resistant bacteria

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