Presentation Information

[OP07-1-05]Decoding the Intricate Signaling Orchestration in Early Human Development: A Temporally Resolved Transcriptomic Approach with Comprehensive Chemical Pertuabationsヒトの初期発生における複雑なシグナル伝達機構を解読する:網羅的化合物摂動による時系列トランスクリプトームアプローチ

*Mariko Yamane1,2, Yohei Sasagawa1,2, Yoshimi Iwayama1,2, Ayako Matoba-Isomura2, Atsumi Soma1, Takumi Ichikawa1,2, Itoshi Nikaido1,2 (1. Department of Functional Genome Informatics Division of Biological Data Science, Medical Research Institute Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 2. Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research)


human iPS,bioinformatics,signal transduction,differentiation

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