Presentation Information

[PB01-01→PB02-19(P-005)]【Change to PB02-19】Avian primordial germ cell extravasation is driven by membrane bleb formation via the SOCE system.ニワトリ始原生殖細胞の血管外遊出はSOCEシステムを介した膜ブレブによって駆動される。

*Mizuki Morita1, Manami Morimoto1, Junichi Ikenouchi1, Bertrand Pain2, Yuji Atsuta1, Yoshiki Hayashi1, Takayuki Teramoto1, Daisuke Saito1 (1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, 2. Univ Lyon, Université Lyon 1, INSERM, INRA, Stem Cell and Brain Research Institute)


PGC,Extravasation,Cell migration,Bleb

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