Session Details

New Development of Neurodevelopment (in Japanese/ English)

Wed. Jun 19, 2024 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM JST
Wed. Jun 19, 2024 5:30 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
Room C(Miyako Messe(B1F)/Special Exhibition Hall(A))
Chairpersons:Yu Katsuyama(Shiga Univ. of Medical Scienc)

[WS02-01]Identification of transcription factors that regulate axonogenesis in bipolar tail neurons in ascidian embryos using single-cell transcriptomics.シングルセル解析を活用した双極型感覚神経細胞の軸索形成を制御する転写因子の同定

Ryoko Horie1, *Takeo Horie1 (1. Osaka University)

[WS02-02]Clonal unit lineages construct the anatomical compartments of the medaka telencephalon終脳のパリウムの解剖学的区画を構築するクローナルユニットの系譜

Yasuko Isoe1,3,4, *Hideaki Takeuchi Takeuchi2,3,4 (1. Department of Molecular and Cellular biology, Harvard University, 2. Department of Integrative Life Sciences, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, 3. Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 4. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University)

[WS02-03]PIEZO1-mediated mechanosensing regulates the fate of neural progenitor cells during cerebral developmentPIEZO1によるメカノセンシングが神経前駆細胞の運命を制御する

*Mayumi Okamoto1,2, Tsukasa Shimamura2, Takaki Miyata2, Keiko Nonomura3,4,5 (1. Nara Women's University, 2. Nagoya University, 3. kyoto University, 4. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 5. National Institute of Basic Biology)

[WS02-04]The genomic basis of multipotency:
Molecular control of neural crest stem cell identity

*Marcos Simoes-Costa1 (1. Harvard University)

[WS02-05]Development and evolution of the mammalian brain

*Yohei Shinmyo1 (1. Department of Neurophysiology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)