Session Details

Diverse roles of cell polarity in development

Sat. Jun 22, 2024 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Sat. Jun 22, 2024 4:00 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
Room C(Miyako Messe(B1F)/Special Exhibition Hall(A))
Chairpersons:Chieko Koike(Ritsumeikan Univ.), Kazunori Sasaki(Juntendo Univ.)
Cell polarity, an asymmetric distribution of cellular and molecular components along an axis, plays a fundamental role in various aspects of development and its dysfunction causes developmental defects. In this symposium, we would like to introduce and discuss the latest advances in diverse roles of cell polarity and their regulatory mechanisms during tissue morphogenesis and cell fate controls. The topics are wide-ranging, including different model organisms and systems such as nematode oogenesis, fly midgut homeostasis, frog thyroid gland morphogenesis, and mouse retinal cell fate determination. This symposium will be a valuable opportunity for participants and offer profound insights into the extensive biological significance of cell polarity in development.
Co-organized by:Development Growth & Differentiation(DGD)


[S06-01]Regulation of epithelial cell polarity by the PAR-aPKC complex and G protein signalingPAR-aPKC複合体とGタンパク質シグナリングによる上皮細胞極性の制御機構

*Kazunori Sasaki1 (1. Institute for Diseases of Old Age, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine)

[S06-02]Involvement of cell polarity in nutritional control of thyroid morphogenesis栄養が制御する甲状腺形態形成と細胞極性の関与

*Asako Shindo1,2, Kaoru Nakashima2, Ayaka Fujiwara2 (1. Osaka University, 2. Kumamoto University)

[S06-03]Lateral and basal contractility sequentially control apical polarization and lumen formation during notochord tubulogenesis脊索管形成において側面部と基底膜の収縮力が連続的に作用することで頂端極性と管腔の形成を制御する

*Yuji Mizotani1, Edwin Munro1 (1. The University of Chicago)

[S06-04]Cell polarity and cell fate determination in the neural retina中枢神経系網膜の細胞極性と運命決定

*Akiko Ueno1, Rin Sawada1,2, Haruki Tokumoto1,2, Kazunori Akimoto3, Shigeo Ohno4, Chieko Koike5 (1. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan Univ, Shiga, Japan, 2. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical, Ritsumeikan Univ, Shiga, Japan, 3. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science., 4. University Research Institute for Diseases of Old Age, Juntendo University School of Medicine, 5. Center for Systems Vision Science, Research Organization of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan University)

[S06-05]The roles of septate junctions in Drosophila intestinal stem cell proliferation and differentiationショウジョウバエ腸上皮幹細胞の増殖と分化におけるセプテートジャンクションの役割

*Yasushi Izumi1,2 (1. Div. of Cell Structure, NIPS, 2. Dept. of Phsiol. Sci., Sch. of Life Sci., SOKENDAI)

[S06-06]Collective induction of oogenesis via long-range cytoplasmic streaming in C. elegans卵母細胞の形成における細胞質流動の役割

Kenji Kimura1, *Fumio Motegi1 (1. Hokkaido University)

Closing Remarks