Session Details

Oral Presentation 07-2 "Stem cells and Regeneration & Transcriptional regulation"

Sat. Jun 22, 2024 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM JST
Sat. Jun 22, 2024 1:15 AM - 2:30 AM UTC
Room D(Miyako Messe(B1F)/Special Exhibition Hall(B))
Chairpersons:Nozomu Takata(Northwestern Univ.), Akane Kawaguchi(NIG)

[OP07-2-01]A comparative study of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) cultured under distinctive feeder-free and feeder-dependent culture conditions

*Tham Thi Ngoc Huynh1, Pin-Chi Tang1,2 (1. Dept. Anim Sci., Univ. of National Chung Hsing, 2. The iEGG and Animal Biotechnology Center, Univ. of National Chung Hsing)

[OP07-2-02]Extrinsic ribosome stimuli promotes the multi-lineage cell transdifferentiation from mouse adult fibroblast

*ANAMIKA DATTA1, Arif Istiaq2,1, Kunimasa Ohta1 (1. KYUSHU UNIVERSITY, 2. Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis)

[OP07-2-03]Reprogramming of human somatic cells into insulin-producing cells directed through hierarchical genome regulation by pioneer and non-pioneer factors膵β細胞ダイレクトリプログラミングにおけるパイオニア・非パイオニア転写因子群による階層的ゲノム制御

*Yuuri Yasuoka1,2, Masahito Matsumoto1,2, Yasushi Okazaki1,2 (1. RIKEN IMS, 2. Juntendo University)

[OP07-2-04]An analogue sensitive allele of Rho kinase to study cell polarity and epithelial contractility in Drosophila melanogaster

*Ines Jmel-Boyer1, Madeleine Davies1, Jens Januschke1 (1. University of Dundee)

[OP07-2-05]Elucidation of Unknown Hematopoietic Stem Cell Initiation Mechanisms through the in Vitro Construction of the Entire Fetal Hematopoietic Organ胎児造血器官全体の試験管内構築と未知の造血幹細胞イニシエーション機序の解明

*Mio Nakanishi1 (1. Chiba University)