Presentation Information

[1A01]Comparison of Online and Face-to-Face Holding of the Faculty of Engineering Design ContestReport of KUMAMOTO UNIVERSITY DESIGN AWARD 2020-2023

○Yoshifumi OHBUCHI1,2, Mitsuhiro MATSUDA1,2, Tomohiko IGASAKI1,2, Haruhiko IIDA3, Tomoko SHONO2, Toshihiro IHARA1,2 (1. Kumamoto Univ., 2. Kumamoto Univ. , 3. Sojo Univ.)


Creativity education,Design education,Contest,Online holding

The Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University has continued to hold design contests as part of creativity education. During the coronavirus pandemic, the event was conducted online in original way, but the traditional format was reinstated in 2023. The comparisons of online and face-to-face holding is reported.


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