Session Details

[1A](02-1) Individualization and revitalization of engineering education and systems-I

Wed. Sep 4, 2024 9:25 AM - 10:45 AM JST
Wed. Sep 4, 2024 12:25 AM - 1:45 AM UTC
A room(Lecture room 7)
Chairperson:Noriyuki TAKANO(Kanazawa Institute of Technology) Second Chairperson:Toshimasa KOBAYASHI(Setsunan University)

Session greeting

[1A01]Comparison of Online and Face-to-Face Holding of the Faculty of Engineering Design ContestReport of KUMAMOTO UNIVERSITY DESIGN AWARD 2020-2023

○Yoshifumi OHBUCHI1,2, Mitsuhiro MATSUDA1,2, Tomohiko IGASAKI1,2, Haruhiko IIDA3, Tomoko SHONO2, Toshihiro IHARA1,2 (1. Kumamoto Univ., 2. Kumamoto Univ. , 3. Sojo Univ.)

[1A02]Resumption of International Project Based learning titled ICDC in post-pandemic age

Tomoko SHONO1, Toshihiro IHARA2, Seiji OMATA2, ○Yoshifumi OHBUCHI2 (1. Creative enginnering and Design Education Center of Kumamoto University, 2. Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology Kumamoto University)

[1A03]Globalization of KOSEN education and collaboration between Vietnamese COIT and Ube KOSENDesign and Implementation of Global Engineering Design Subjects

○Hideaki Aburatani1, Masayuki Okamoto2, Youichi Nakano2, Bang Nguyen Hai3, Hai Luu Van3, Dien Vu Cao3 (1. National Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu College, 2. National Institute of Technology, Ube College, 3. College of Industry and Trade, Vietnam)

[1A04]Changes in Students' Self-Assessment of AbilityFrom the 2023 Project Management Fundamentals report

○Maria MORIGUCHI1, Kazuya Kusaka2, Junko Kanai2, Kenji Terada2 (1. TOKUSHIMA UNIV. Research Center for Higher Education, 2. TOKUSHIMA UNIV. Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and SocialSciences)

[1A05]24 years to hold Mechatronics System Design Contest among Laboratories in 4 Universities

○Nobuyuki IWATSUKI1, Yutaka TANAKA2, Hidetsugu TERADA3, Yoshihito KAGAWA4 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2. Hosei University, 3. Yamanashi University, 4. Takushoku University)