Presentation Information

[P-17]FashionSTEAM Platform ConceptUtilizing Insights from Clothing Science in Basic Engineering Education

○Yukiko TOGO1, Haruka ASAHINA2, Mariko SATO3, Toshiko AMEMIYA4, Yuko SHIBATA5, Satoru MORISHITA6 (1. Oita Univ., 2. National Defence Medical College, 3. Bunka Gakuen Univ., 4. Ochanomizu Univ., 5. Wayo Univ., 6. Oita Univ. Center for Research in Education and Human Development)


STEAM education,Clothing Science,Society5.0,FashionSTEAM Platform

We envisioned developing engineering education materials centered around fashion and constructing the FashionSTEAM platform. To advance the development of educational materials for primary and secondary education, we organized the learning content in light of the academic framework of clothing science.


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