Session Details

[1D](12) OS: Polytechnic Science of Manufacturing Skills-II

Wed. Sep 4, 2024 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM JST
Wed. Sep 4, 2024 1:45 AM - 2:30 AM UTC
D room(Lecture room 14)
Chairperson:Tomoki Nakamura(Polytechnic University) Second Chairperson:Shigeo HIRANO(Tokyo City University)
Purpose: In this session, we will exchange opinions on manufacturing skills including the concept of human sensibility such as ambiguity and uncertainty. A wide range of topics are invited, including 'Visualization and digitalization of skills,' 'Human resource development and issues in response to the fourth industrial revolution,' and 'Human resource development for manufacturing in companies.

[1D06]Proposal for Mechatronics Teaching materials Using an Omni-Wheel Robot

○Hiroaki KOBAYASHI1, Hajime MORIGUCHI1, Osamu ICHIKAWA1 (1. Polytechnic University)

[1D07]Building a Training Environment for Learning Manufacturing Skills by StrategiesIndividual optimization based on "emotions" and "fundamental skills"

○Norikatsu FUJITA1 (1. Polytechnic University of Japan)

[1D08]Proposal for Online Vocational Instructor Training in the Field of Pneumatic Control

○Hajime MORIGUCHI1, Hiroaki KOBAYASHI1, Osamu ICHIKAWA1 (1. Polytechnic University)