Session Details

[1E](02-3) Education system for AI, data science and Society 5.0-II

Wed. Sep 4, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Wed. Sep 4, 2024 2:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
E room(Lecture room 15)
Chairperson:Hiroyuki Nakase(Tohoku University) Second Chairperson:Yuko SUTO(Tohoku University)

[1E07]Integrating Programming into Statistical EducationAchievement Assessment through Rubric

○Makoto NISHI1 (1. Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

[1E08]Recurrent education of Data Science for Beginners with NoCode

○Shoji Takechi1 (1. Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

[1E09]Data Science in Large-Scale EducationData Science Case Study at Nihon University College of Industrial Technology

○Tomoaki NAKAMURA1, Kazunori SAITO2, Hirokazu SUMI1, Yasunori OKUMA3 (1. Nihon University, 2. Nihon University , 3. Nihon University)

[1E10]Effect Measurement of Educational Program Based on Design Methodology for DXCompetency Assessment in Multi-cultural and Multi-disciplinary Project Based Learning

○Yuki Otsuka1, Reo Enomoto2, Hiroshi Hasegawa3 (1. Functional Control Systems, Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Tehcnology, 2. Systems Engineering and Science, Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Tehcnology , 3. Department of Machinery and Control Systems, School of Systems Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Technology)