Session Details

[2D](03) Education system using ICT-I

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 5:15 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
D room(Lecture room 14)
Chairperson:Yunosuke Kawazu(Kanazawa Institute of Technology) Second Chairperson:Kazuya Kusaka(Tokushima University)

[2D12]Recurrent Education Utilizing Open Educational Resources for Nuclear Engineering(1) Development and Outline of OCW and MOOC Educational Materials

○kazuya kobayashi1, Katsusuke SHIGETA1, Hiroshi NAKASHIMA2, Tamotsu KOZAKI2, Naoko WATANABE2 (1. Hokkaido Universuty Institute for the Advancement of Graduate Education Center for Open Education, 2. Hokkaido University Graduate School of Engineering)

[2D13]Recurrent Education Utilizing Open Educational Resources for Nuclear Engineering(2) Designing of the MOOC materials and their educational effects

○Naoko Watanabe1, Tamotsu KOZAKI1, Hiroshi NAKASHIMA1, Kazuya KOBAYASHI2, Katsusuke SHIGETA2 (1. Hokkaido University, 2. Hokkaido University)

[2D14]Improving training effect by applying 3DCG and CML to the “Network infrastructure construction - basic - ”course

○Rina Dendo1, Shigemi NITTA1, Masahiro ITO2, Kazutaka KUMAMOTO1 (1. Hitachi Academy Co.,Ltd., 2. Hitachi Academy Co.,Ltd.)

[2D15]Review on the Online Peer StudyExamination for Future Collaborative Online International Learning

○Noriko Kawasaki1 (1. University of Miyazaki)

[2D16]VR Contents to learn Japanese Traditional Colors and its Production Methods

○Ryuki Koyama1, Yoshio Yamagishi2 (1. Graduate School of Niigata Institute of Technology, 2. Niigata Institute of Technology)