"Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science  2024" will be held during the period from October 20 (Sun.) to 24 (Thu.), 2024, at Kitakyushu International Conference Center.  In the meeting, there are some planned topics/sessions, but this year essentially no sessions are organized by the subcommittees. Your participation in and contribution to the meeting are highly encouraged and welcome.
Date & Venue
  • Abstract submission : June 25 (Tue.) - July 20 (Sat.) August 4 (Sun.) 2024 (closed)
  • Registration : June 25 (Tue.) - October 24 (Thu.), 2024
  • Payment : June 25 (Tue.) - October 24 (Thu.), 2024  (Early-bird discount : Until August 31 (Sat.), 23:59 pm JST)(closed)
Important announcements
  • Childcare (Advance registration is required by Sept. 30th.)
  • Technical Exhibition (Application form is in ISSS-10.)
  • All the session rooms will be equipped with a PC (OS: Windows, Software: Power Point and Adobe Acrobat Reader), a LCD projector with HDMI cables, a laser pointer, and a microphone. Please note that other types of cables such as VGA are not available.
  • Floor map (TBA)
  • Poster: Poster numbers and locations, Core time for poster presentation (TBA)
  • Name card (Please log in to your Confit account and download the PDF file from the Registration Info section.)
  • Conference program
Keynote speech

Keynote speeches by JVSS Society Award 2024 Winner will be presented in  ISSS-10 session. 

  • Keynote Speech / JVSS Society Award 2024 Winner
    Yuji Takakuwa
    "Development of In-situ Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Photoemission-assisted Plasma-enhanced CVD"
Plenary talks
  • JVSS Society Award for Young Researchers(若手学会賞)
    Satoru Ichinokura
    "Intercalation-driven van Hove singularity and superconductivity in graphene" 
  • JVSS Society Award for Young Researchers(若手学会賞)
    Kohei Tada
    "Quantum chemistry for solid-molecule interfaces: Theoretical development and issues on achieving ab initio data-driven science"
  • JVSS Paper Award (論文賞) 
    Yasutaka Tsuda, Akitaka Yoshigoe, Shuichi Ogawa, Tetsuya Sakamoto, Yuji Takakuwa
    "Observation of Chemisorbed O2 Molecule at SiO2/Si(001) Interface During Si Dry Oxidation" 
  • JVSS Kumagai Award for Papers in Vacuum Science(熊谷論文賞) 
    Junichiro Kamiya
    "Evaluation of vacuum firing effect on sutainless steel and titanium from vacuum and surface point of view" 
  • JVSS Review Paper Award(会誌賞) 
    Tadashi Machida
    "Detecting signatures of Majorana quasiparticle at vortex cores of Fe(Se,Te)" 
  • JVSS Technique Award(技術賞) 
    Takahiro Kondo
    "Boron monosulfide nanosheets and rhombohedral boron monosulfide: synthesis, characterization, and intriguing properties"
  • JVSS Industry Award(産業賞)
    Takahiro Yatsu, Yoshinobu Murayama, Atsuhiro Kuwajima, Masafumi Kishi
    "International standardization of methods for measuring cryopump performance"
  • (2024.9.3 updated) Keynote speech and plenary talks were updated.
  • (2024.06.25 updated) Pages were opened.
  • (2024.05.21 updated) Test pages were generated.

Secretariat of JVSS 2024
5F Ishikawa bldg.  5-25-16 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-3812-0266


  • There is currently no announcement.