Call for Abstracts

Participants having presentations both at JVSS2024 and ISSS-10 have to pay registration fee separately.

Submission period

June 25 (Tue.) - July 20 (Sat.) August 4 (Sat.) 17:00, 2024 (closed)



The abstract submission process has changed since JVSS2023. Please make sure of the following points (Abstract and Summary).


  • Language : English
  • Length : Less than 4,000 characters (including spaces)
  • Contents : Direct input on the web.
  • Number of figures included : Up to one
Abstracts should be prepared in English. All necessary information (title, authors, affiliations, contents, etc.) is entered on the web. The only file to be uploaded is a figure file, if any. Abstract PDF files are automatically generated from the input data and the uploaded figure file.


  • Language : English
  • Length : Less than 1,000 characters (including spaces).
  • One paragraph, no line break, no figure, no reference.
In addition to the abstract, speakers are also requested to prepare "Summary," which is a short version of the abstract. Also see "Summary".
Submission procedure
  1. Log in to the Abstract submission & Registration fee payment site.
  2. Registration should be made prior to the abstract submission.
  3. Enter affiliations of all co-authors.
  4. Enter all co-authors' names.
  5. Enter the tile.
  6. Enter the content of your abstract (< 4000 characters).
  7. Enter "Summary" (< 1000 characters).
  8. Upload a figure file (jpeg, jpg, png, or gif; < 3.0 MB).
  9. Submit.
  10. Check the auto-generated PDF file.
  11. Changes can be made on the content during the submission period.
Title, author names, affiliations
GoodSurface electronic state characterization by XPS
Not goodSurface Electronic State Characterization by XPS
  • For special characters such as Greek letters and mathematical symbols, please use HTML character entities.
  • Please list all co-authors with full first and family names (do not use initials).
  • Do not use abbreviations (e.g., Univ., Natl., Inst., AIST, JAEA, etc.) except for Co. and Ltd.
Tips for preparing abstracts

Since the content of the abstract must be entered in the input box, a better way to prepare the abstract is to write it in an editor and copy-and-paste it. The length must be less than 4000 characters including spaces. Double-byte characters are not accepted.

1. Paragraph

  • A paragraph is created for each line break. Please do not put a line break in every sentence.
  • The beginning of a paragraph is not indented. For readability, it is recommended to insert one blank line between paragraphs.

2. Special characters/symbols

  • For special characters such as Greek letters and mathematical symbols, please use HTML character entities.  (Examples: &mu; for µ, &times; for x, etc.)
  • Try to avoid using anything that cannot be expressed by simple HTML entities. However, if the abstract would not be completed without such representation, please upload them as a figure (see "How to prepare a figure file").

3. Section titles

  • Section titles, such as Introduction, Experimental, References, etc., are acceptable.
  • For easy reading, the section titles are bolded (Introduction) or are capitalized (INTRODUCTION).

4. References

  • Please include a reference list, if any, at the end of the abstract.
  • Notation (Author name(s), Journal title, vol., page (year).)
[1] G. Binnig et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 57 (1982).
[2] C. D. Bain and G. M. Whitesides, Science 240, 62 (1988).
  • The reference should be cited in the text by numbers in brackets: [1], [1, 2], or [1-3].
How to prepare a figure file

One figure file is allowed to be uploaded.

  • The file size is less than 3.0 MB.
  • Acceptable file formats are jpeg, jpg, png, and gif.
  • Do not use Japanese in the figure.
  • If you want to show more than one figure, you can arrange several figures in a single file. In such a case, please label them as (a), (b), etc. to distinguish them.
  • Mathematical equations or chemical reaction formulas can also be uploaded as a figure.
  • Figure captions must be attached to the bottom of the figure.

"Summary" is a short version of the abstract.

  • The length must be less than 1000 characters (including spaces).
  • The summary should consist of one paragraph. Thus, do not include line breaks.
  • For special characters such as Greek letters and mathematical symbols, please use HTML character entities.
  • Do not refer to figures.
  • Do not refer to references by their numbers ([1], [1, 2], etc.). 




Secretariat of JVSS 2024
5F Ishikawa bldg.  5-25-16 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-3812-0266