Registration & Fee payment

JVSS2024 will be jointly held with ISSS-10 as original sessions during the period. All participants in JVSS2024 are eligible to attend all sessions in ISSS-10.

All participants (both presenters and auditors) are required to register and pay the registration fee in advance. Upon payment of the fee, a name card will be issued, which you are requested to download, print out, and bring to the venue.

Participants having presentations both at JVSS2024 and ISSS-10 have to pay registration fee separately.


Registration : June 25 (Tue.) - October 24 (Thu.), 17:00
Fee payment : June 25 (Tue.) - October 24 (Thu.), 17:00
(Early-bird discount: until 23:59 on August 31, 2024(JST) )

Procedure and Authentification
  1. Registration (= Select the fee payment method)
  2. Abstract submission (for speakers only)
  3. Fee payment
  4. Name card & QR code issued.
  • "Registration" for JVSS2024 shall be considered complete upon "Registration of payment method".
  • All participants must register.
  • Two payment options: Credit card payment or Bank transfer.
Fee payment
  • Registration fee payment is required for all participants.
  • Receipts are issued online immediately upon receipt of payment if paid by credit card or online bank transfer. For regular bank transfers, receipts will be issued after Oct. 24.
  • Cancellation policy: No refunds will be made in the event of cancellation or no-show due to the participant's circumstances after payment of the registration fee has been completed
  • On-site cash payment is NOT accepted.
Name card

All participants are required to show your name card at the venue.

  • A name card (link) is issued after the registration fee is paid.
  • Downloaded a name card pdf file.
  • Print the name card on A4 size paper and bring it to the venue.
  • Get a card holder at the venue. Card holders are available for free at the reception desk at the venue.
  • Fold the name card into quarters and put it in the holder.
  • Please hang your name card around your neck during the meeting.
Registration fee

Early Registration deadline : August 31, 2024

If you are a member of the "JVSS International Affiliate Societies and Associations*", you can attend as a "JVSS member".
*JVSS International Affiliate Societies and Associations:
American Vacuum Society (AVS), Chinese Vacuum Society (CVS), Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI), Korean Vacuum Society (KVS), Materials Research Society of Indonesia (MRS-ID), Physics Society of the Philippines (SPP), Vacuum Society of the Philippines (VSP), Thin Films Society (TFS), Taiwan Vacuum Society (TVS), Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) 

[Regular] JVSS regular member, honorary member, employee of JVSS Corporate member, supporting member, or sustaining member (Untaxable)
[一般] 日本表面真空学会 個人正会員・法人正会員・維持会員・賛助会員 (不課税)
55,000 JPY65,000 JPY
[Student] JVSS student member (Untaxable)
[学生] 日本表面真空学会 学生会員 (不課税)
15,000 JPY20,000 JPY
[Regular] Non-member (Tax included)
[一般] 非会員 (消費税込)
65,000 JPY75,000 JPY
[Student] Non-member (Tax included)
[学生] 非会員 (消費税込)
20,000 JPY25,000 JPY
Additional information(Social Events on ISSS-10
Banquet Participation  Regular/Student : 8,000 JPY

Excursion Participation Regular/Student : 3,000 JPY


Secretariat of JVSS 2024
Ishikawa Bldg. 5F, 5-25-16 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3812-0266
